Giovanni Pico della Mirandola And The Kabbalah Translated into Latin
Reviews |
A Few Comments on The Great Parchment “Haben Sie… ganz herzlichen Dank … für die so schön produzierte Ausgabe von The Great Parchment … Der Text und Ihre ausfürliche Interpretation sind für mich von großen Interesse”. W. Beierwalten, München “Your new book is so beautiful and the text very interesting. It is a great thing you are doing.” Esther Liebes (5 May 2004) “Flavius Mithridates has arrived in black and gold, beautifully produced as well as being a superb contribution to the advancement of scholarship in this field. It is a brilliantly conceived project, showing with exceptional clarity how Jewish studies contribute to the understanding of this central period in the development of European civilization.” Martin Goodman Oxford (11 May 2004)
“Thank you for the magnificent edition of this important text”. Ada Rapoport, (12 May 2004)
“This is work of enormous importance.” Glenn W. Most, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (17 May 2004)
“I have immediately started to read it, and I do think that your project is very important or even essential for the Christian Hebraism.” Judith Olszowy-Schlanger (19 May 2004)
“È un libro molto bello e importante. Il progetto della collana ‘The Kabbalistic Library of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola’ sarà di grande interesse per tutti gli studiosi del Rinascimento e dei suoi rapporti con la tradizione cabbalistica”. Paolo Lucentini (20 May 2004)
“Credo che sia un’iniziativa… che contribuirà, nel modo migliore, a far luce sull’importanza del grande contributo della cultura filosofica e teologica ebraica alla ‘renovatio’ quattocentesca e cinquecentesca.” Cesare Vasoli (22 May 2004)
“Je vien de recevoir le trés beau livre que vous m’avez adressé: outre son interêt intellectuel, la mise en page, le papier, la typografie sont remarquable!” Colette Sirat, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris (25 May 2004)
“J’ai trop tardé a vous remercier du magnifique volume The Great Parchment… Il s’agit là du premier résultat d’une recherche fondamentale qui renouvelle les sources d’un auteur suppose connu… Un seul regret: la redaction en anglais d’un livre dont la langue naturelle… et dû être, me semble-t-il, l’italien ou l’allemand.” Jean François Maillard (4 June 2004)
“Desidero ringraziarLa per la magnifica edizione di Mitridate, davvero pregevole non solo per la veste ma anche per la ricca e adeguata introduzione e per la sua leggibilità, dovuta anche alla traduzione inglese.” Andrea Battistini (7 June 2004)
“I was delighted to find your latest, nicely designed and interesting publication. I was particularly impressed by your scholar introduction.” Malachi Beit Arie’, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (8 June 2004)
“I am literally thrilled by the appearance and the contents of this ‘three-pronged’ jewel – the utterly elegant presentation in every of its visible aspects , from the binding to the paper, the lettering and the typography with its wide margin, a worthy example of a great Italian tradition. The lavish presentation is certainly matched by the manifold attractiveness of the text presented, which will interest many scholar of Kabbala … This edition will also be seen as a continuation of a Berlin tradition of editing important texts.” Michael Brocke, Institut für Jüdische Studien H. Heine Universität Düsseldorf (7 July 2004)
“Die beste Arbeit in den Jüdischen Studien ist eben immer noch die Editionsarbeit, und gerade im Bereich der Renaisance Studien ist dies ein wichtiges und bislang in dieser Hinsicht kaum gut beacktertes Feld.” Hanna Liss, Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Heidelberg (8 July 2004)
“Ich habe mich über die Yeri‘ah ha-Gedolah sehr gefreut. Das Buch lädt nicht nur optisch ein (welch eine Wohltat, in einem großzügig gesetzen Buch zu lesen!); der Text dieses kabbalistischen Werkes ist ja sehr dicht und voller Anspielungen…” Dagmar Börner-Klein, Institut für Jüdische Studien, Düsseldorf (12 July 2004) “I am convinced this thorough work will receive a warm welcome by all scholars of Philosophy as well s Jewish Studies.” Andreas Gotzmann, Philosophische Fakultät, Lehrstuhl für Judaistik, Universität Erfurt (14. July 2004)
Reviews JeanPierre Rotschild, Revue des Études Juives 163(3-4), juillet - decembre 2004, pp. 572-574. “Ce premier volume d’une collection qui se donne à tâche de publier l’ensemble des traduction de Flavius Mithridate, project conjoint de Institut für Judaistik de la Freie Universität de Berlin … et de l’Istituto Nazionale di Studi sul Rinascimento de Florence, augure bien d’une enterprise qui contribuera fort a l’approfondiment de la connessaince du kabbalisme chrétien …”
Crofton Black, Times Literary Supplement, October 2004. “… The publication of even a small part of this corpus is a very welcome event and I look forward eagerly to future installments.” |